It is very exciting to learn Who you are, and perhaps a bit frightening at the same time.  “Do you mean I have this much Power?”  Yes, and you have always had it.  At first the ego thinks Power is a special thing, something exciting, something to be used and held over others.  But as you learn that there are no others, then power takes on a w-holy new meaning.  Power becomes the Power of Love, and that love flows like water, trickling into all of the spaces, the gaps, flowing over all things, and you realize that Power is not a hard thing to be wielded, but a soft thing to be yielded, and Life is G(o)od.  “It is good to be the King,” you may have heard in jest, and yet there is only the King, extending itself in all ways, al-ways, and you are That.  Can you wield such Power and feel the gratitude?  If so, then welcome Home.