A beaded bracelet is a most excellent analogy for how you are connected to Source.  You and those around you are the beads.  You may look alike or be dissimilar.  The thread or string that holds each “bead” together is Love.  The analogy is not perfect in that Source not only flows through you, but you are an expression of the String, the Thread, the Love.  It forms one circle that has no beginning or end.  Is it not silly to compare yourself with the other beads?  The Love that flows through you is equal.  You express yourself differently for the experience of doing so and for the learning and the delight of the Whole.  Instead of seeing yourself as a bead that rolls around trying to act separate from the Source, the String, imagine a bracelet in which the bumps simply arise … integral … an extension of the Love-String.  Now you are getting closer to the Idea, the Grand Idea of Creation.