spherical-ball-joint-newton-pendulum-mirroringDo you not feel mass outrage at mass murder?  How can one person inflict so much damage?  It is not just one person.  It is the mass consciousness of humans who believe that killing is justified.  One human becomes the instrument of many.  Be cautious now of pointing fingers at any one religion or another.  Violence is the religion of entire communities who allow repeated images into their homes and theaters every minute of every hour of every day and call it entertainment.

Have you counted the number of times you and your children have seen a weapon fired or exploded, killing fellow human beings in your television shows and movies?  It is so commonplace as to be acceptable and even enjoyable, and yet you are surprised when this same killing takes place in your schools.

No, these are not good vibes in our message today.  You must be the change you wish to see.  You must revere life to the point of pointing out what is present or missing in your very own homes and hearts.  We say this with no judgment at all.  We are merely point out that it is time for the pendulum to swing back toward peace and the sacredness of life.