holy-893202_640You must have your opposites.  It is why opposites attract, for they offer you the greatest opportunities.  For what?  To bring in Love, the third and balancing, neutralizing aspect of the holy trinity.  In a world of duality, you tend to think in polarities:  good and bad, love and hate, but that kind of love is not the kind of Love of which we speak.  Where there are the human opposites, where angst prevails due to opposite thinking, such as in your inter-personal relationships or in your politics, this is precisely the time to seek the neutralizing, peace-carrying Love from a higher level, the apex of the divine triangle of which we speak.  In this divine trinity, all angles are equal, for it is all Spirit, and you are an aspect of That, playing roles when you take sides.

When clashing with another, neither is right or wrong in their own mind.  The other is not an enemy to be overcome, but a necessity for growth, if only it can be seen as an opportunity.  See opposites for what they are.  Bring in what is missing to neutralize the conflict, and what you have then is wholeness.

Note from Suzanne:  As I was posting this, Echosmith was singing on the radio:  “We are going to come together.  We’re gonna come together now.”  I love it!