You spend so much time educating children in practical matters, such as how to add 2 and 2 and how to read Dick and Jane. Years and years they spend in formal schooling, yet who does guide them in this grand School of Life? It is true that all are on their own path, and beliefs will vary, but is it not true that there are certain truths which are the same for all? The greatest lesson is found in what you call the Golden Rule, found in nearly all of your organized religions in some form. Should this not be taught to your children each day until each member of mankind can never forget it?

Whether or not one can add numbers or read letters matters little at the end of this physical life. But whether one has learned The Prime Lesson makes a world of difference when one moves toward the Light and asks, “How did I spend my days? Did I treat each one as a brother or sister? Did I love them as I love myself?” The goal of life should be to answer this question with a resounding “Yes!”

Teach your children well, and as you do, make sure that as the teacher, you do practice what you teach.