Glory!  Glory!  Hallelujah!  What do these words mean?  Without meaning, words are merely symbols.  You give them meaning through group agreement.  Words are necessary when there is focus on separation.  When you move beyond separation to pure Being, no words are necessary.  There is simply knowing.  Words are a tool of reconciliation, bringing back together that which was never really separated except in the Mind.  Reconciliation is cause for celebration.  You know what it feels like to rejoice.  You know what it feels like to celebrate.  But now, because you are an expression of pure Being, of God, you need a way to express feeling, and so you burst forth with words that you have agreed have the same meaning to all:  Glory!  Glory!  We know!  We feel!  We are That!  There is only the One, expressing outward as the many, then folding back into itself with what it has learned.  Hallelujah!  I re-member!