money-1477064_640You have been differentiating between human and soul in response to our teaching and your own awareness.  Two sides of one coin, as you understand it.  One side can experience pain or pleasure and every other emotion you can imagine.  The other, the soul, simply is.  Is what?  Love.  We have taught you to merge the two, for here is the greatest teaching:  you are not either human or spirit, but both human and spirit. So what happens now?  You remain aware of yourself as spirit, and you choose with great awareness how you react to your human scenes that unfold in the Earth School drama.

If you are both human and spirit, two sides on one coin, then what is the entire coin?  A treasure.  Every coin in existence is a treasure as part of All That Is:  (the) Light, (the) Word, Spirit, Ultimacy … and you are That.