
No Defenses

2017-02-09T06:56:20-05:00February 9th, 2017|

Catch yourself making excuses.  Listen to the defenses and explanations.  Does the other need to know, or do you simply need to have them know why you think you are right?  Justify, justify, justify all you like, but in the end, what the other ego wants to hear is, “I’m [...]


2017-02-08T07:39:54-05:00February 8th, 2017|

Thoughts are communication devices from Mind (capital M). They come into awareness first through the Human Energy Field and then they are put into words and images by the brain. Without the brain, there is pure knowing. Ego is an off-spring of mind, a consequence of being human. Ego is [...]

On Auto Pilot

2017-02-07T07:19:22-05:00February 7th, 2017|

What are you stressing about?  Surely there is something.  It is the human way to fret and worry, chewing your nails and thus creating even more stress.  That is exactly how ego likes it, wrapping you in a cocoon of fear.  What if you were to laugh at ego?  To [...]


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